Kamis, April 09, 2015

Using Picture Series for Teaching Speaking in Recount Model

The Use of Picture Series for Teaching Speaking

Picture is one of the visual aids that are used by the teacher in teaching learning process. There are some kinds of pictures that are used by the teacher such as a picture, picture series, and so on. In this paper, the researcher tries to implement picture series as an alternative way in teaching learning process. As Wright (1989) states that pictures are very important in helping students to retell experiences or understand something since they can represent place, object, people, etc. A picture consists of meanings and messagas that will be presented. It depends on students’ own imagination or thought to produce the words related to the picture.
Arranging a picture series is one way to be used for developing words as well as other skills. The primary advantage of using picture series is that it is enjoyable for the students because it can encourage theto create  activity in guessing the messages from the picture based on their imagination. Another, it can vary the teacher’s techniques in creating the atmosphere in the classroom as a real condition.
A picture is used to substitute the real things. The students can recognize and compare the words and the real things. The first function of the use of picture series is that the students are able to see the picture clearly and distinctly. The second is that the students can understand the content of the whole pictures because the first picture is related to the second picture and so on. It can build up the students’ motivation in learning English text.
The content of the whole pictures can be understood because the first picture is related to the second and the second is related to the next picture and so on. Pictures are set in sequence in order to deliver a message that it can represent an event. The sequence of pictures that represent a sequence of events can be taken from various sources, for instance from internet, books, magazine, or capturing a movie, etc. In this study, the researcher will use 3 different picture series which are taken from 3 different sources they are from comic books, capturing animation movies, and internet.
Those three picture series have different characteristic. First, picture series that is taken from comic books has simple form. It is well arranged because comic book itself consists of pictures that are arranged in sequence so we just have to take the pages that are relevant to the topic that we want to teach to the students. Secondly picture series of group of pictures that are taken from capturing animation movie and then are arranged in sequence. This takes more effort because we have to capture the pictures that are relevant to the topic and arrange them in sequence. This kind of picture series is more interesting because it is collourful. Third picture series of group of pictures that are taken from google images. The pictures that are suitable to the topic are downloaded and then arranged in sequence like the following.

1. Picture series from comic book
Using Picture Series for Teaching Speaking in Recount Model
Activities This Morning - Recount Model

2. Picture series from capturing animation movie

Using Picture Series for Teaching Speaking in Recount Model
Special Moment - Recount Model

3. Picture series from google images

Using Picture Series for Teaching Speaking in Recount Model
Holiday - Recount Model

As the students are shown the picture series they are expected to be more excited in learning English as picture series gives students portrait that helps them in learning speaking by comparing the words and the real things. These three picture series help students in learning speaking. The picture series will help students in expressing ideas because the picture series consists of pictures that are related to activities which are familiar to them. As Lado (1977:240) states that speaking is described as an ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. The pictures are set up in sequence so that students by learning with this media will be able to express the ideas in sequence fluently.
Those three picture series have different quality in chronological order. The picture series from comic book is in good order since it has been arranged based on the activities. The second picture series that were taken from capturing animation movie is less  in order than the first picture series. It is rather difficult to arrange the captured pictures and make them suitable to the topic . The third picture series from google images is more difficult to arrange in chronologic order and picture does not portrait the same person.    

Furthermore, previous study conducted by Rike Febrina Aska in SMPN 1 Gadingrejo showed that picture series is effective to be applied in teaching speaking. Students’ speaking skill was increased significantly in three aspects of micro skill; pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. This study also shows students motivation in joining the teaching learning during the treatments increased. The atmosphere in class became more encouraging to study. Students were more active to participate in class activities.
Lado, Robert. 1977. Language Testing. New York: Mc. Graw Hill.
Febrina, R. 2014. The Use of Picture Series to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability in Procedure Text at The Third Grade of SMPN 1 Gadingrejo. Unpublished Script. Bandar Lampung. University of Lampung.
Wright, A. 1989. Picture for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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